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A New Generation in the Church

We were recently at the Keswick Convention, where I was encouraged to hear that over 3000 children and young people who had gone through their programmes this year. I know there were quite a few others on waiting lists for over-subscribed groups. It's a bit simplistic to see those children and young people as long term members of the church of the future (not all are Christians of course!), but it is encouraging to see Christian parents encouraging large numbers of children to believe the gospel and grow in their faith. It made me think about some of the things I'd want for that generation, which includes my children. Some of those things are obvious. I want them to know and believe the gospel, trust the Bible, commit to sharing the gospel and so on. But there are some things that I think are weaknesses of my generation and I hope we don't pass on! Here are three related to the local church that struck me. 1. Commit to the local church I suppose this is an obvious reflectio

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